
2024-       University of Georgia

Graduate courses

SPAN6650: Introducción a la fonética y fonología españolas (Fall 2024)

2017-2020  New York University

Undergraduate courses

Primary instructor (Department of Spanish)

Elementary Spanish I (Fall 2019)

Teaching assistant (Department of Linguistics)

Language in Latin America (Instructor: Gregory Guy) (Fall 2017)
Language and Society (Instructor: Laurel MacKenzie) (Fall 2018)
Phonological Analysis (Instructor: Juliet Stanton) (Spring 2019)
Language (Instructor: Gary Thoms) (Spring 2020)


An introduction to PCIbex (5 week course for Linguistics graduate
students. Co-taught and designed with Maxime Tulling) (Fall 2020)

2015      Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Pato Branco, Brazil)

Teaching assistant

English teaching assistant in all levels of language and culture courses